We are Poland’s largest independent aggregator of content in digital formats. We work with more than 700 music labels and artists mainly from Poland, Italy, Germany, and the US. We provide music directly to iTunes, Apple Music, Spotify, Amazon, Google, Pandora, Tidal, Deezer, and many others all over the world.
We have a real impact on a better exhibition of the content and can reach a wider audience for the artist that we cooperate with. We operate on a 360˚ model which means that in addition to technical distribution support, we guarantee additional services related to the optimization and promotion, taken daily care by our team of 30 specialists. We also possess the largest multi-channel music network in Poland and one of the biggest in Europe. Furthermore, we operate with non-musical networks and as a result, we can offer interesting promotional solutions, combining musicians and YouTube authors.
We are engaged in the distribution and promotion of music in the global and local services.
We represent both Polish and foreign catalog of audiobooks, which is expanded day by day.
We provide a comprehensive music service consisting of the selection, search and delivery of music for advertisements and television productions.
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